EquuLogo - AufbauSeminar

mit Dozentin: Ina Keckstein

Whispering nostrils

The horse’s olfactory perception and how we can use it in animal-assisted interventions.

  • treasure hunt,
  • Tracking and other exercises

on the subject of smell can be an innovative and useful addition to your toolbox!

Immerse yourself with us on these two evenings in the fascinating world of horses, which is largely characterized by an extremely well-developed sense of smell.

We know that dogs have an enormous sense of smell.

In horses, it is not yet common to consciously pay attention to and promote olfactory perception.

There are many possibilities if we actively and consciously include the horse's sense of smell - in the horse's everyday life, in its preparation for animal-assisted interventions and directly in the interaction within animal-assisted offers and in the promotion of language skills of the children.

Ina Keckstein:

"Promoting the horse's natural talents and giving it the opportunity to do things for which it is evolutionarily prepared seems to me to be a step towards a relationship on equal terms and thus also means an increase in the quality of our offerings for children."

2 Live ZoomMmeetings
Will be announced soon.

Duration per meeting:

2-3 hrs.



Certificate of participation (digital, via email)


(digital, available via the PfK learning platform)

UStG-befreit, laut § 4 Nr. 21 Buchstabe a, Doppelbuchstabe bb, UStG. ADD anerkannter Ausbildungskurs.

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